使用 Rust 编写转发 DLL
本文实现一个转发 DLL:version.dll
转发到系统的 version.dll
首先用下面的命令查看系统的 version.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise>dumpbin /exports c:\windows\system32\version.dll
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.29.30136.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file c:\windows\system32\version.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for VERSION.dll
00000000 characteristics
927B71E6 time date stamp
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
17 number of functions
17 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00001080 GetFileVersionInfoA
2 1 00002190 GetFileVersionInfoByHandle
3 2 00001DF0 GetFileVersionInfoExA
4 3 00001040 GetFileVersionInfoExW
5 4 00001010 GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
6 5 00001E00 GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA
7 6 00001050 GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW
8 7 00001060 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
9 8 00001070 GetFileVersionInfoW
10 9 00001E10 VerFindFileA
11 A 00002360 VerFindFileW
12 B 00001E20 VerInstallFileA
13 C 00002F80 VerInstallFileW
14 D VerLanguageNameA (forwarded to KERNEL32.VerLanguageNameA)
15 E VerLanguageNameW (forwarded to KERNEL32.VerLanguageNameW)
16 F 00001020 VerQueryValueA
17 10 00001030 VerQueryValueW
1000 .data
1000 .pdata
2000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
3000 .text
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise>
然后我们拿 GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { static mut RealGetFileVersionInfoSizeA: usize = 0; #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn GetFileVersionInfoSizeA() -> u32 { unsafe { std::arch::asm!( "jmp rax", in("rax") RealGetFileVersionInfoSizeA, options(nostack) ); } 1 } }
这个函数其实也不能叫函数,因为它不会返回,直接跳转到目标函数地址,这个目标函数地址需要在 DllMain
中通过 LoadLibrary
和 GetProcAddress
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn DllMain(_inst: isize, reason: u32, _: *const u8) -> u32 { if reason == 1 { let version_module = load_library("c:\\windows\\system32\\version.dll"); unsafe { RealGetFileVersionInfoSizeA = get_proc_address(version_module, "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA") }; } 1 } }
如果每个函数都这么写,那是相当的麻烦,因此,我们可以写一个宏,并把加载目标 dll 的真实地址封装到结构体的方法里面,这样在 DllMain
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { #[macro_export] macro_rules! forward_dll { ($lib:expr, $name:ident, $($proc:ident)*) => { static mut $name: forward_dll::DllForwarder<{ forward_dll::count!($($proc)*) }> = forward_dll::DllForwarder { lib_name: $lib, target_functions_address: [ 0; forward_dll::count!($($proc)*) ], target_function_names: [ $(stringify!($proc),)* ] }; forward_dll::define_function!($name, 0, $($proc)*); }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! define_function { ($name:ident, $index:expr, ) => {}; ($name:ident, $index:expr, $proc:ident $($procs:ident)*) => { #[no_mangle] pub extern "system" fn $proc() -> u32 { unsafe { std::arch::asm!( "jmp rax", in("rax") $name.target_functions_address[$index], options(nostack) ); } 1 } forward_dll::define_function!($name, ($index + 1), $($procs)*); }; } /// DLL 转发类型的具体实现。该类型不要自己实例化,应调用 forward_dll 宏生成具体的实例。 pub struct DllForwarder<const N: usize> { pub target_functions_address: [usize; N], pub target_function_names: [&'static str; N], pub lib_name: &'static str, } impl<const N: usize> DllForwarder<N> { /// 将所有函数的跳转地址设置为对应的 DLL 的同名函数地址。 pub fn forward_all(&mut self) -> ForwardResult<()> { let load_module_dir = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\"; let module_full_path = format!("{}{}", load_module_dir, self.lib_name); let module_handle = get_module_handle(module_full_path.as_str())?; for index in 0..self.target_functions_address.len() { let addr_in_remote_module = get_proc_address_by_module(module_handle, self.target_function_names[index])?; self.target_functions_address[index] = addr_in_remote_module as *const usize as usize; } Ok(()) } } forward_dll::forward_dll!( "C:\\Windows\\system32\\version.dll", DLL_VERSION_FORWARDER, GetFileVersionInfoA GetFileVersionInfoByHandle GetFileVersionInfoExA GetFileVersionInfoExW GetFileVersionInfoSizeA GetFileVersionInfoSizeExA GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW GetFileVersionInfoSizeW GetFileVersionInfoW VerFindFileA VerFindFileW VerInstallFileA VerInstallFileW VerLanguageNameA VerLanguageNameW VerQueryValueA VerQueryValueW ); // 在 DllMain 中调用: // unsafe { DLL_VERSION_FORWARDER.forward_all() }; }
这就完成了 version.dll
如果我们不希望通过 DllMain
通过该函数拿到目标函数地址后将其返回,那么目标函数地址就存储在 rax
上,然后再跳转到 rax
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub extern "system" fn $proc() -> u32 { unsafe { std::arch::asm!( "push rcx", "push rdx", "push r8", "push r9", "push r10", "push r11", options(nostack) ); std::arch::asm!( "sub rsp, 28h", "call rax", "add rsp, 28h", in("rax") forward_dll::default_jumper, in("rcx") std::concat!($lib, "\0").as_ptr() as usize, in("rdx") std::concat!(std::stringify!($proc), "\0").as_ptr() as usize, options(nostack) ); std::arch::asm!( "pop r11", "pop r10", "pop r9", "pop r8", "pop rdx", "pop rcx", "jmp rax", options(nostack) ); } 1 } }
然后我们实现一个 forward_dll::default_jumper
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// 默认的跳板,如果没有执行初始化操作,则进入该函数。 pub fn default_jumper( lib_name: *const u8, func_name: *const u8, ) -> usize { let module_handle = unsafe { LoadLibraryA(lib_name) }; if module_handle != 0 { let addr = unsafe { GetProcAddress(module_handle, func_name) }; // 这里调用了 FreeLibrary 释放目标模块,实际使用需要在其他地方持有目标模块的句柄,防止被释放。 unsafe { FreeLibrary(module_handle) }; return addr.map(|addr| addr as usize).unwrap_or(exit_fn as usize); } exit_fn as usize } }